"Based closely on real life, this is an exciting and touching story of Parvana, a young girl growing up in Afghanistan,where the Taliban, members of an extreme religious group, rule most of the country with a heavy hand."
I first read this book in 4th grade then again in 9th. It completely opened my eyes to the real, unfair world that exists outside of my safe an cushioned life in Australia. It was one of the first proper novels I read as a child and it deeply affected my understanding, and empathy on Australian immigrants both legal and otherwise. It is completely heart wrenching, and raw. It's sequel Parvana's Journey is not to be forgotten.
Miles "Pudge" Halter's whole existance has been one big nonevent until he moves to Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young.

John Green is always a great author. This is his début, and my god is it amazing! He always creates impossibly real and relatable characters and deep and captivating stories. He draws you in. Then comes the huge earth shattering moment and nothing is ever the same!
This book is written like a classic, and I loved it! It encouraged me to take a second look at the prescribed reading in English class and really appreciate them. It was also the best characterisation I have ever seen, and I have since endeavoured to create the same emotional realism that John Green has created so well
"Winnie had often been haunted by visions of what it would be like to be kidnapped. But none of her visions had been like this, with her kidnappers just as alarmed as she herself was..."
This is a children's novel. An absolutely amazing children's novel, and a classic. It is set in the fictional town of Treegap, I am unsure as of when, but if I had to guess I'd say maybe the late 1800s. This is a delightfully charming love story about a wealthy young girl, who longs to be free and a poor boy and his family who share a dark secret. Romance, freedom, friendship and immortality. Thought provoking, thought it may not be a pressing issue, I'd rather be part of the wheel, than a rock stuck on the side of the stream.
Who hasn't read at least one Roald Dahl book. This is one of the best and probably one of the most popular. For those who haven't read it, it's about a young girl named Matilda who is surrounded by abuse, both at home with her parents who just don't understand her and at school in her evil head mistress Miss Trunchbull. It's a children's book and despite it's themes is a light an amusing read.
I was six years old when I read this book, or had it read to me, and I adored Miss Honey. Ever since I have aspired to be a teacher, although I now know it is unlikely if not impossible to get a class as delightful as Miss Honey's and therefore be half as charming, it is still where I want to be. This book, apparently, set the course for my future.
Emily Rodda is probably best known for her Deltora Quest, and Rowan of Rin books. I absolutely admire her talent to create flawless and magical worlds, the world of Rondo is no exception. I don't really know what to say about this one. Cousins Leo and Mimi find themselves tansported via Music Box to a world where Fairy Tales exist and they are hunted by the Blue Queen and haunted by their family legacy.
This is where my passion for writing children's books comes from. Prior to this I wrote for my own age, but I love the creation of worlds were everything is possible and the idea of a perfect escape from the reality of this world when you need it most. This is a comfort that can usually only be found in a children's book. A must read for all children!
Yep, John Green again. I will never look at people with missing limbs again. I can't describe exactly how, but this is just not another cancer story. This is John Green's absolute best novel, by far. I devoured it in a day. There is not much more I can say without ruining it, but it is definitely a must read.
While it was not about Esther Earl, an amazing Nerdfighter who passed, it definitely carries her essence. RIA.
If you are going to read only one thing on this this, just make it this one, okay?
And the rest of the Narnia series. This was one of the first novels I ever read, and probably is what made me want to become a children's writer and is still a source of inspirations. I've read it too many times to count and bought a copy for every child I've ever babysat.
For those that don't know it is about 4 children who are forces to move far away from home because of the war, and find themselves in an enormous house under the guardianship of a strange, introverted man. The youngest child, Lucy, finds her way into the amazing world of Narnia while playing a game of "Hide and Seek" with her siblings. And so begins the grand adventure of prophecy, danger and magic. And don't forget the talking animals. Aslan will always be one of the most amazing characters in children's literature.
I have always been a huge fan of Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales. I used to google them when I was a child, and had a "pocket" edition of some of my favourites. My mum bought me this "Wordsworth" edition of his complete works for my fifteenth birthday and I adore it. It is a direct translation of the original so it has not been "disneyfied" or watered down for children. I have learnt so much from these stories, more then I could say in a blog post or a YouTube video.
This book was recommended to me by the lovely ladies in my local bookshop, and Thank God for that! This book got me through the Germany component of my Modern History Course. I kept placing Liesel in the textbook, and brought it to life. Markus Zusak is a very talented writer, creating brilliant and intricate characters, and unique narration.
The novel is set in Nazi Germany where a young girl named Liesel is placed with a foster family. It chronicals the life of Liesel, her love for books and how much her life changed when her (German) family hide Max (a Jew) in their basement.
The Pearl of Tiger Bay - Gabrielle Wang
I don't really know why this is on the list, I barely remember the storyline, but I remember adoring it as a child and reading it over and over again. And even as I jotted down every book that has ever affected me, I just kept coming back to it. (I actually stole my copy from the school library when I was 10)
It is about a young girl, who is forced by her family to move to a strange town, where strange things occur and she starts to make friends she never dreamed she would have.
So, that's all for today... This is related to a video on my YouTube channel.
So check that out of you haven't already. Thank you, and Welcome to my new blog.
*Book covers: Australian. Taken from the authors own websites. Thanks*