This afternoon I was flicking through a copy of the Australian MADISON magazine (your typical, trashy beauty magazine). There was one article in particular that caught my attention, if only for the large image on the top of the page. If I'm being totally honest, Russian Nesting Dolls (Babushka Dolls) have drawn my attention for years (In fact I own a set myself), but it was the headline attached that made me want to write this post.
"Find Your Perfect Weight". And while I don't disagree with the content of the article, which encourages women to lose weight slowly, to assist with changing habits and keeping it off. Despite this one, tiny bit of criticism jumped to mind: 'I always thought the bigger one was the most beautiful anyway' and so much more intricate. So I guess the secret message in this is, in the words of Mika "Big Girls, You are beautiful!" But in all seriousness, don't strive for an ideal weight or size, strive for an ideal you. Strive for health.
It seems I am finally coming to the realisation that, even if I'm not a size 6-8 (Australian), a size 12 can be beautiful too.